With all the fun I had last week on our mini vacation my face was feeling a little under the weather. Not to mention this winter has done weird things to my face. I chose all natural products that had healing qualities. I know this sounds all new age hooey, but this was my first time trying it and I was pleasantly surprised. Here's what I put in it and why...
Oatmeal- sooths the skin and moisturizes
Honey- has natural anti-biotic qualities
Sugar- the small grit isn't harsh and helps remove dead skin
Baking soda- Helps to clear up break outs, but can dry skin out
lemon- the citric acid helps problem areas and will lighted scars and imperfections
5 Tbsp Oatmeal
1 Tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp Sugar
1/2 Tbsp Baking Soda
The juice of 1/2 lemon
You will also need a coffee grinder or food processor to grind down the oatmeal. You don't want this to be chunky. Also I hope that you know that you should be using plain oats, not any fancy flavor. While peaches and cream is great for breakfast, not so great for your face!!!!
Once you have ground your oatmeal add all the ingredients, making sure to add the lemon last. When you add the lemon juice it will bubble up and look awesome. When you stir it the bubble will dissipate. If it's a little watery add some more oats until it's thick enough to put on your face.
Next you want to make sure your hair is pulled back. Once that is done, go ahead and slather the stuff on your face. Now I'm not going to lie to you, it feels like your rubbing cookie dough on your face. I also took the liberty to taste it and it tastes like wheat thins. Once it's on your face rub it in and then let it sit for 10-15 minutes or until you feel it start to harden.
Sexy, I know right!?
After you wash your face your face will feel super soft. I waited a couple of days to post this because I wanted to make sure that it didn't dry out my skin and it didn't. You also may have some left over and you can save for a week-ish and use it again if you like. I would avoid doing this everyday because it will dry your skin out if you have normal to dry skin. I recommend doing this once a week as a way for your face to recuperate from all the makeup and air pollutants.
I hope this has helped and I hope you give it a try.
See ya soon!
oh awesome!!! Will be trying this out- thanks!! :)