Ok, so I'm a super slacker when it comes to how long it's taken me to update! With good reason though, let me explain.... I've been doing nothing but going to doctors visits, getting electrocuted, throughing up tacos out of my nose, and other slightly embarrassing yet entertaining medical mishaps. I'll start off by saying that my caffeine headaches turned out to have nothing to do with caffeine. We (as in me and my medical staff) still don't know what it is. I went and had a CT scan (in case you have never had one, they stick you in this machine that looks like a large donut, shake you back and forth and, may I advice you wear a sports bra to minimize the jiggling that will occur, and then take pictures of your brain). This resulted in my doctor, Mr Hooper (which if you did not know hooping is a slang turn for sticking drugs up your butt) to decide that a scar on my head from a previous and embarrassing injury may be pinching nerves on my scalp causing these headaches. Well how do we fix that.... OH. I KNOW LETS ELECTROCUTE IT! Yes, they stuck an electrode to my scar on my head and zapped it 4 or 5 times to loosen it from my scalp. Now I was terrified when they told me this was going to happen, but in all honesty it wasn't that bad. There was pressure and I could feel a zappy, tingly sensation, but no tears and no fried hair. From here I'm not sure what they are going to do but they ordered a bunch more tests and I promise to keep this thing more updated with what is going on.
A plus to this whole debacle is that I will get to spend thanksgiving with my family. That hasn't happened in a couple of years because of my crazy work schedule. This year I will go down a couple days before thanksgiving and get to visit with my Sister and her kids, then my extended friends/family, and then on thanksgiving spend it with my moms side of the family, which is always filled with lots of food (we are Italian), booze, my crazy cousin, and memories to last a lifetime.
Speaking of being thankful, I have to thank my wonderful husband, Jim. He has taken care of me through this so well, even when I'm being sad and pathetic. I'm so grateful to have him in my life and I can't imagine one day without him. He puts up with all my crap, is my model for all of my sewing projects, rubs lotion on my feet when they hurt from walking all night (on the streets, mainly the corner, ha ha), combs my hair even though he hates it and it's my favorite thing ever!, and he takes the dogs out in the morning while I still lay in the warm cozy bed! I've got it made! and I know it, and just wanted to take a minute to thank him for all the nice and sweet things he does for me. I know he's my biggest fan, and I hope he knows I'm his! :)
With my extra time off now, I've been trying to keep busy around the house so I've been sewing alot. I found this skirt on Modcloth dot com that I loved but was not willing to pay loads of money for so I set out to make it myself. I'll include some pictures of the project. I'll also include some pictures of an outfit I wore the other day when I was running errands.
http://www.modcloth.com/shop/skirts/a-chance-of-showers-skirt , $89 you are killing me modcloth!
I loved this fabric, Clarence! |
cutting the fabric |
My sexy Model |
sewing the hem |
adding the waist band |
just needs a big bow! |
Close to finished |
Here is the outfit I wore the other day....
Dress- Target
Sweater- Ross
Leggings and Boots-Target

My Beautiful Boys :) |
One last thing.... I need to thank my friend Marchelle, for being so amazing and a great friend through this whole feeling poopy thing. It means so much to me that she remembers when my doctor appt. are and checks up on me to see how they went. She comes and hangs out when I don't feel good and even makes us dinner. Thank you so much Marchelle for being an awesome friend and I hope you know how much it truly means.