I'm feeling a little under the weather today. I had planned on doing an
outfit post, but decided I'd save that for another day. Instead, I
thought I would share with you what's in my purse. A girl knows how
important a good bag is, and making sure you have everything you could
possibly need.
This is my purse. I like sticking with dark neutrals. Grey is usually my favorite. I tend to go for purses that have a distressed look, but this one is pretty classic looking for me. I love big bags and tend to carry alot of things with me. Jim usually hands me a bunch of crap to keep in my purse, so I need alot of space. This purse was a hand me down from my aunt, but I liked it because of all the space it has. It has two big open pouches on each side and then a middle compartment that zips closed.
This is all of what's in my purse. I have lots of room to spare, but am prepared for any situation. I'll talk a little bit more in depth about what in my purse below.
As far as beauty products go, I try not to bring to much with me. I am one of those people that don't really check on my makeup throughout the day. I bring a couple extra hair clips with me, as a marketing tool and also in case I forget to put one in at home and realize later. I kinda feel naked without hair accessories. I have a couple of combs. The only reason I have two is because I will probably lose one. I carry deodorant with me, because I'm super self conscious about how I smell. I also have an old Mac compact so that if I need to check for food in my teeth or something gets in my eye. The palette that's in the compact is super old (probably 5 years old), but I really like that pink color and often use it as blush.

In the back is my perfume. My all time favorite scent is from Bath and Body works, it's the White Citrus smell and I love, love, love it. I have expensive name brand perfume, but I always end up going with this instead. I have a jar of safety pins, which I use alot at work. The buttons fall off my uniform alot, so it's nice to always have some on hand. I have a little plastic baggy with a couple band-aids, panty liners, and a spool of thread. I have a package of craft needles, for sewing emergencies and impromptu crafting sessions. I make sure to carry some aspirin all the time, since I've been having these headache problems. I have a tiny hand sanitizer pen. I got it from my work, they make sure to supply us with ample amounts of hand sanitizer, due to the amount of money that we handle.

I had a movie ticket stub from last week in my bag and I thought I would throw it in the photos. I carry my check book around because it makes me feel like a grown up! My phone goes everywhere and I love having an android phone. My wallet is actually a small clutch. I have my cards and money in there so that when we go out to a bar,or out for a date I don't have to bring my huge heavy bag. I can just grab my little clutch and away we go. the clutch is big enough that I can slip my phone and keys in it and it's not a hassle.
Well that's my purse. I tend to think that it's similar to what other women carry but I figured I would share my purse abyss with you for a little better insight into my quirky style. I would love to know what unique things you carry with you. Don't forget to subscribe!!!!!