Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Purple People Eater... Eat your heart out!

When I started out on this adventure my first thought was "I wanna look like a Mermaid. Oh, or a Unicorn!" I Google imaged Unicorn hair and got a whole lot of awesome stuff, but nothing to really help me out. My hair to start out with was a tinge of lavender so I figured I would roll with it and just make it more extreme. Thanks to a butt load of you tube videos and Kaylah from The Dainty Squid(she had some awesome hair advice and tips) I embarked on a shopping journey. I pick up two purple-y colors and some conditioner to mix in so that it came out a pastel-ish color 

I have some roots but not bad enough to bleach my hair. So I threw on an old tee and said good bye to by blonde hair!

I mixed the color, doing equal parts conditioner to dye. To be honest I was nervous about this because in hair school we always used conditioner to repel dye.  P.S. did you notice that in the above picture, I'm missing half an eyebrow? :) Haha  Anyways, Jim slapped on some gloves and helped me slather the color on. 


I decided to slice in some of both colors to create dimension. I thought it would add to the Unicorn effect!

I let the dye sit for two hours. That's when I did yesterday's blog post! Normally with colorful dyes like the package says to only leave it on for a 20-30 minutes, but realistically you can leave it on as long as you like. There is no peroxide or ammonia in these types of dyes to harm your hair. I usually leave dye on for 2-3 hours. 

 I'm pretty attractive in this picture!  When I rinsed my hair out I used cold water. You wanna used as cold as you can stand. This will lock in your color.  It also helps if you use a Sulfate free shampoo. From now on I'm going to keep a bottle in the shower with a mixture of what I like to call "Unicorn juice", it's a mixture of the hair dye and conditioner, that that it's like getting a tough up every time you take a shower. Let your Unicorn juice sit on your hair for 5-10 minutes in the shower and it will give your mane a fresh blast of color. 

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I think when I bleach my roots in a couple weeks I do another update and let you know how it went, but in real like I totally look like a unicorn.  On a side note, Jim wanted to join in the fun and he decided he wanted to be a dragon, so he dyed his beard green!

Thanks for stopping by and until next time be safe and have fun. Tootles. Oh don't forget to subscribe!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. the hair turned out great! makes me miss my pink streaks.

